
Road Map for Arts Education: A Report from The World Conference on Arts Education: Building Creative Capacities for the 21st Century (UNESCO, 2006) – This document includes effective strategies for arts education programs and focuses on research and recommendations for parents, teachers, school administrators, artists and policy makers.


The Art of Collaboration: Promising Practices for Integrating the Arts and School Reform (Arts Education Partnership Research and Policy Brief, 2008) – This paper gives eight examples of sites using arts integration and offers insights into various strategies from across the country.

Learning Partnerships: Improving Learning in Schools with Art Partners in the Community (Arts Education Partnership, 1999) – A guide for community leaders, educators and individuals working in business and government sectors who are seeking to address the arts education needs of youth in communities.

ARTFUL Teaching & Learning Handbook (Minneapolis Public Schools and the Perpich Center for Arts Education, 2005) – Offers tools that support student achievement through the arts toward the broader goals of supporting independent arts programming and initiating school wide reform.

Arts Education in America: What the Declines Means for Arts Participation (National Endowment for the Arts, 2011) – Offers insight into the results of the decline of arts education in America including citizen participation in the arts and other trends.

Creating Quality Integrated and Interdisciplinary Arts Programs (Arts Education Partnership, 2003) – Defines arts integration and includes practical information on different philosophies, approaches and models for integrating the arts into teaching and learning.

Improving Arts Education Partnerships (Rand Education, 2004) – This research provides guidelines on how to leverage partnerships between schools and arts organizations in order to provide arts education to students despite budget cuts.

My Child, the Arts, and Learning (The Center for Arts Education, 2007) – A guide for K-5 parents which explains why the arts are an important component of K-12 education as well as provides parents ways they can support the arts at school and home.

Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning America’s Future Through Creative Schools (President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, May 2011) – This report makes the case for arts education and offers rich examples of successful programs and outcomes.

Revitalizing Arts Education Through Community-Wide Coordination (Rand Education, 2008) – The objective of this research is to look at how local arts education initiatives began, how multiple organizations become involved and what factors are necessary in order for a successful initiative to solidify and grow.

The Qualities of Quality: Understanding Excellence in Arts Education (Harvard’s Project Zero, 2009) – An excellent tool for educators that outlines what high quality arts education looks like through four lenses: community, environment, student learning and pedagogy.


Accountability in Arts Education (California Alliance for Arts Education, 2008) – This paper assesses current opportunities in the field of K-12 arts education and seeks to create a dialogue between educators and policymakers in order to ensure that every student in California receives quality arts education.

Mendocino County

Arts Council of Mendocino County – Founded in 2000, The Arts Council of Mendocino County supports many programs, including but not limited to the Mendocino County Arts Advocacy Coalition and Get Arts in the Schools Program (GASP). The arts council’s website features an online Curriculum Resource Library and a directory of local artists and arts organizations.

Artist in the Spotlight

Event Spotlight

Art Under 20 is 25 at WCA

at Willits Center for the Arts
through April 27