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Film Club: "Babette's Feast"

Presented by Arena Theater at Arena Theater, Point Arena CA

Dec 11 2017
Film Club:

At once a rousing paean to artistic creation, a delicate evocation of divine grace, and the ultimate film about food, the Oscar-winning “Babette’s Feast” is a deeply beloved treasure of cinema.

Director: Gabriel Axel
Rated: NR
Runtime: 104 minutes
In Danish, French, Swedish with English subtitles

At once a rousing paean to artistic creation, a delicate evocation of divine grace, and the ultimate film about food, the Oscar-winning Babette’s Feast is a deeply beloved treasure of cinema. Directed by Gabriel Axel and adapted from a story by Isak Dinesen, it is the lovingly layered tale of a French housekeeper with a mysterious past who brings quiet revolution in the form of one ... view more »


$10 for guests; free to current Arena Theater members


Arena Theater

214 Main Street, Point Arena, CA 95468

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