Mar 02 - 31 2024
That’s Another Story

That’s Another Story

Presented by Gualala Arts at Dolphin Gallery

The Dolphin Gallery is pleased to present “That’s Another Story” an exciting new exhibit by Doug Smith and Perry Hoffman opening Saturday, March 2 from 1-3 pm, the exhibit will be up through March 31.

Doug Smith has long had a hand in textiles and fabrics and being a professional upholsterer has led to some interesting creations. During his professional career his wild side and creativity was fed by participating in parade arts, helping to create costumes, floats and giant puppets for Summer Solstice Celebration in Santa Barbara.

Doug has a knack for being able to use unusual materials in unexpected ways. For many years he enjoyed fabric dying and often incorporates hand dyed fabric into his work and wardrobe.  Recently, he has revived his interests in reverse smocking ( a form of fabric manipulation) and large scale braided textiles.

Over the last 5 years he has been working in ceramics.His working style is informed by his relationship with fabric. He manipulates clay like it was fabric.In my most recent ceramic works he is incorporating woven elements.He has been experimenting with a variety of materials with which to weave onto ceramic frames.

This year he has collaborated with Siobhan Elder for the Mendocino Kelp Fest Art Exhibit coming this May to Mendocino Arts.

Perry has been a photographer since age 10. Photographing people and wildlife as well as creating digital collage and a participant of Mail Art. Also a mosaic artist and ceramicist, he is always working outside the box. Photographing wildlife on the north coast and finding rare birds like the Pileated Woodpecker and Bald Eagle.  He won the Environmental Award from the Redwood Coast Land Conservency for his fungus photo last year from Art in the Redwoods.

Collage, assemblage, ceramics, digital collage and photography are some of the mediums he plays with. He will be participating in the Plastics Exhibit coming up at Gualala Arts as well.

Dates & Times

2024/03/02 - 2024/03/31

Location Info

Dolphin Gallery

39114 Ocean Drive, Cypress Village, Gualala, CA 95445