The North Street Col­lec­tive OPEN CALL FOR APPLICATIONS to our Res­i­dent Artist Program

The North Street Col­lec­tive Res­i­dent Artist Pro­gram offers an oppor­tu­nity for indi­vid­ual artists or duos of any dis­ci­pline to cre­ate, advance or com­plete work in a self-guided and self-motivated way. We espe­cially encour­age part­ner­ships of…

The North Street Col­lec­tive Res­i­dent Artist Pro­gram offers an oppor­tu­nity for indi­vid­ual artists or duos of any dis­ci­pline to cre­ate, advance or com­plete work in a self-guided and self-motivated way. We espe­cially encour­age part­ner­ships of artists and sci­en­tists or artists and com­mu­nity activists who seek to work together in new ways to apply. Since we are a new pro­gram, we are look­ing for peo­ple who are entre­pre­neur­ial by nature and who will also con­tribute to the growth and spirit of our new effort.

We are located at 350 North Street, Willits, Cal­i­for­nia 95490

Q: What’s the schedule?

Our Spring/Summer Term runs May 7– August 20, and Fall Term runs Sep­tem­ber 10-December 17. Res­i­dents may apply to stay for two weeks to three months. North Street accom­mo­dates up to three res­i­dents at a time. We also host exhibits, open houses and other events through­out the year.

We are accept­ing appli­ca­tions until March 15th, 2017.

Q: Who can apply?

North Street Col­lec­tive Res­i­dents are emerg­ing or estab­lished artists who come from a vari­ety of back­ground and dis­ci­plines, or are work­ing exper­i­men­tally across sev­eral dis­ci­plines. In keep­ing with Mendocino’s unique her­itage and sense of place, artists from Native Amer­i­can back­grounds, and Mex­i­can artists, and artists whose work is con­nected to ecol­ogy have spe­cial pri­or­ity for res­i­den­cies. We also cel­e­brate artists work­ing with wood or other mate­ri­als from the local nat­ural envi­ron­ment; artists work­ing with railroad-related themes; or those with a social prac­tice related to this region of the world, includ­ing water, food sys­tem, and social jus­tice. We are encour­ag­ing appli­ca­tions from artists rep­re­sent­ing the widest pos­si­ble ranges of per­spec­tives and demo­graph­ics. To that end, emerg­ing as well as estab­lished artists are invited to apply.

Q: What else is expected of the artists?

In addi­tion to work­ing on a clearly-defined project, res­i­dents are asked to make some sort of con­tri­bu­tion to the com­mu­nity. Artists are encour­aged to con­duct one pub­lic per­for­mance or event. This can take form of an open rehearsal, a screen­ing, a read­ing, a class, or a talk. Work­shops and com­mu­nity events are strongly encouraged.

Q: What is the facil­ity like?

Remod­eled in 2016, North Street com­bines work­space with com­mu­nal liv­ing space. The flex­i­ble and mul­ti­pur­pose inte­rior and grounds house for­mal and infor­mal per­for­mance and work space. We have three bedrooms/workrooms, two large inte­rior studio/gallery spaces, and two exter­nal work plat­forms. We encour­age artists to build con­nec­tions locally, and to explore all facts of North Street and Willits and Men­do­cino, inside and out.

Q. What kind of art is acceptable?

Res­i­dents are pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in or across fol­low­ing artis­tic dis­ci­plines, with pri­or­ity given to artists from whom this place is most con­ducive to their work, espe­cially those with con­nec­tions to Native Amer­i­can com­mu­ni­ties, Mex­ico, and with an inter­est in ecol­ogy and the nat­ural environment:

Lit­er­a­ture, includ­ing fic­tion, non-fiction, poetry, drama, and translation;
Visual Art, includ­ing paint­ing, draw­ing, sculp­ture, print­mak­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, mixed media and instal­la­tion art;
Plas­tic & Indus­trial Arts, includ­ing sculpt­ing, design, and drafting;
Per­for­mance, includ­ing chore­og­ra­phy, per­for­mance art, multi-media and/or col­lab­o­ra­tive works incor­po­rat­ing live performance;
Film, Video, & other Media, includ­ing nar­ra­tive, doc­u­men­tary and exper­i­men­tal films, ani­ma­tion, and screenplays;
Gar­den­ing, Hor­ti­cul­ture, & Well­ness, includ­ing edi­ble, dec­o­ra­tive, and permaculture;
Culi­nary Arts, while we do not plan to offer a pro­fes­sional or com­mer­cial kitchen and will prob­a­bly only be able to pro­vide the basics in our space, we could also poten­tially wel­come culi­nary artists who seek a reflec­tive time to exper­i­ment with or write about their craft.
Sci­ence and Research, espe­cially ecol­ogy, geog­ra­phy, biology
Green Build­ing, Energy, and Design, smaller projects and/or writ­ing about these
Polit­i­cal and Social Orga­niz­ing, espe­cially projects rel­e­vant to the local community

For more infor­ma­tion and to start your appli­ca­tion, click here.