Monlogue Workshops To Begin Sept 17 At WCT

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Monlogue Workshops To Begin Sept 17 At WCT


Persons interested in participating in the next Monologue Season at Willits Community Theatre can attend the first workshop on Saturday, September 17 at 1pm at the Willits Library meeting room.

Facilitator Annie Samson says prospective participants will be encouraged to share in their writing and discussing their monologues through a series of on-going workshops. Samson’s effective group process will aid participants in laying the groundwork for their culminating performances at a third annual “Speakeasy” event to be held at the WCT Playhouse in 2017.
Samson says of the very popular series, “This is your chance, folks. Come create an original five-minute monologue, then learn to deliver it, without script, on a bare stage, and experience the amazingly appreciative audience from our local community.” Samon admits the process can initially be scary, but for participants who commit to the monologue spirit, it always ends up being “absolutely fun”.
The “Speakeasy” events have become sell-outs over the past two years at WCT. This past July, 12 participants performed for two shows to accommodate the rave response. For more information, contact Annie Samson at 459-9014.